College Girl on Laptop (Lower Res for PPT).jpg

The Power of Why

TEACHER ACCESS ONLY: Browse the topics for each grade level. To access each lesson use the password provided by your school.

For schools outside of California

National Edition of The Power of Why

A school can sequence the topics in whatever way fits best. Over a five-year period students will reflect on forty-five character topics (nine per year) and six academic subjects (every year). 

All grade levels address the same topics for the year. Different topics are address each year from year one through five. This can also be integrated into existing school-wide themes.

Scope and Squence Image of Chart.png

Teacher's Guide                 rubric

Lower Grade-Levels

year 1

year 2

year 3

year 4

year 5


upper grade-levels

year 1 

year 2 

Year 3

year 4

year 5