Family-Engaged Learning is a powerful and exciting new program (Grades 1-12) that motivates students to embrace and live-out positive behavior and achieve academic success.
It is designed to promote positive social skills, improve the learning climate on campuses, decrease behavioral problems and engage parents in supporting a school’s Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS). It supports the core competencies of social-emotional learning: Self-awareness, Self-management, Social awareness, Relational skills, and Responsible decision making.
Schools are looking for ways to accomplish three things:
Improve student behavior
Increase academic success
Engage parents to help with both of these goals
Family-Engaged Learning achieves all three. Teachers now have an easy-to-use classroom resource for engaging parents to improve student behavior and learning.
Family-Engaged Learning’s mission is to see students’ behavior and learning improve by motivating them with their families’ foundational values regarding character and learning.
It achieves this important mission by engaging parents to discuss their family’s own core values related to conduct and learning.
Supporting Research
Boring But Important: A Self-Transcendent Purpose for Learning Fosters Academic Self-Regulation
Middle School Transition from the Strengths Perspective: Young Adolescents' Character Strengths, Subjective Well-Being, and School Adjustment
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Goal Contents in Self-Determination Theory: Another Look at the Quality of Academic Motivation
What We Know About Purpose & Relevance from Scientific Research